Feature Preview - Platform Management for Futures Spreads

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May 18, 2022


Users of Paradigm’s Futures Spread Dashboard (FSPD) product will now be notified via the User Interface and API of changes to the market’s availability state. Upon scheduled & unscheduled interruptions to trading, all users will be notified when the market availability state will change and what the subsequent state will be. Most notably for users, this feature introduces the “Cancel-Only” state which will follow any interruption to trading.

The “Platform Management” feature for FSPD includes three market availability states:


Normal trading. All order operations allowed.


Locked markets. No CREATE / EDIT / CANCEL order operations. No order crossing or matching will occur.


Locked markets. Only CANCEL order operations. No order crossing or matching will occur.

Paradigm’s FSPD will always move in the following order through the market availability states:

Paradigm is committed to providing a fair and reliable trading experience. As always, we welcome and appreciate any feedback!

Article by
Elliot Parker
Product Manager

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