Introducing Paradigm’s API: Automated Liquidity for Large and Complex Orders

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February 18, 2021


At Paradigm, our mission is to provide traders with the best-priced liquidity solutions on demand through electronic trading innovation. That’s why we’re psyched to announce the launch of our Application Programming Interface (API). If you’re already a fan of the on-demand liquidity sourced via our Multi-Dealer RFQ workflow, you’ll love how our API takes its speed and competitiveness to the next level.

With our API, you can integrate block trading into automated trade workflows, allowing for instant liquidity for large and complex orders. These include:

  • Simple multi-leg derivative structures (such as Straddles, Strangles, Call and Put Spreads, and even future spreads)
  • More complex Delta Neutral strategies, combining Options and Futures
  • Portfolio trading of custom Futures and Options baskets

Paradigm’s API supports end-to-end automated workflows for both Takers and Makers. To simplify the Takers’ development experience, we have deployed Auto Market-Makers that will always respond with a series of quotes. There are also Auto-Taker solutions available for Makers to help speed up development.

How to Paradigm in 3 steps?

Excited already? Well, just listen to this take:

“The release of Pardigm’s API represents the final cornerstone of the foundation we believe is required to enable seamless institutional liquidity. We know automation will create new and unique opportunities for our clients that could not have existed previously and we’re excited to be on this journey with them.”
- Anand Gomes, CEO and Co-Founder of Paradigm

Your Burning Questions Answered

Do I need to have a Paradigm account to use the API?

Yes. You need to have an active Paradigm account to access our API. If you’d like to test out our API, we’re happy to set you up with a Paradigm test account as well.
Please reach out to our Institutional Client Services team to request a demonstration and facilitate onboarding to Paradigm.

How will I connect to the API?

Follow our detailed documentation here, which includes code samples for cURL and Python and implementation paths.

What endpoints does the API use?

The API utilizes a combo of JSON-RPCoverWebSockets and RESToverHTTP. The API uses industry best practices for easy integrations.

Contact Us
Michal Koonin
Clement Cheng
WeChat: clecheng
Laura Vidiella

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