The Big Picture | Volatility, ETFs, and Strategic Insights with Greg and Marty

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September 5, 2023


In this video, we explore key insights in the world of vol. Starting with the breakdown of the ETH Dvol Index, the video delves into the correlation between spot prices and volatility, the intriguing dynamics of the Butterfly Index, and the implications of spikes in the market. The discussion extends to portfolio management strategies using volatility spikes, followed by an analysis of the relationship between VIX lows and crypto volatility. And we wrap up with speculations about the effects on Deribit Options in the event of ETF approval and the intricacies of the convergence trade. This is not one you want to miss.


- Intro
- ETH Dvol Index Breakdown
- Correlation Spot/Vol
- Butterfly Index (Wings are Expensive)
- Marty's Big Bet (Spikes are getting Hammered)
- How do Portfolio Managers Use Spikes in Vol?
- VIX Lows and Crypto Vol Lows
- Structural Downward Trend of IV
- Catalyst and Spot ETF
- If ETF gets approved, what happens to Deribit Options?
- Convergence trade (GBTC)

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